Sunday, September 4, 2016

Long time to see you..

"Three years ago"

A mess. She was a complete mess. Her face was red and swollen, her shirt stained with tears.

She stared at photo of her and father, her face void of any expression. She took a deep shaky breath. Her eyes began welling with tears, lower lip quivering, heart throbbing.

"Dad..." She murmured, sobbing into the photo as she recalled all the good times with her father, all up to the last time she saw him. She cried even harder.

"'s all my fault. It's all my fault." She sobbed, crying harder and harder as she clenched the photo in her hands. Her bedroom door opened slowly, the light from the hallway piercing through the darkness of her bedroom.

She didn't look to see who it was. She continued to sob, her heart breaking with each tear.

"Jin..." His voice was soft. She glanced Jae Beom's way, the tears neverending. She hadn't seen him since he moved to Seoul. She cried even harder.

"Jae Beom...Jae Beom I killed him." She cried. He sat down on the ground with her, wrapping an arm around the young girl.

"Shhh..." He cooed, stroking her hair as she dropped the photo and hid her face into his chest. He took a small breath, leaning his head against hers as she began to hiccup between each wail. He checked his watch. It was eleven at night. The rest of her family was down stairs, grieving their loss. When he had heard the news, he dropped everything and rushed right over.

She slowly, very slowly, began to clam down. The wailing stopped, the tears stopped, and so did the shaking. She took deep breaths, staring at the wall as the two sat in silence.

"Jae Beom..." Her voice was hoarse, and thick with sorrow. He glanced down at her. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asked, his voice still soft as he gave her a light squeeze.

"For...abandoning you..." She replied, her eyes filling with tears yet again. "For leaving you alone...I'm sorry."

She cried, biting her lower lip. He took a deep breath.

"Shh...shhh. I'm here. I'm here." He assured her. He stood, bringing her up with him. "Go to sleep, okay?"

She nodded her head, tears still rolling down her cheeks as he sat her down her bed. She sniffled, wiping away at her eyes as she laid down. He pulled her blankets over her. She stared up at him. He let out a deep sigh.

"I'm always here." He leaned down and kissed her forehead, smoothing her hair back. She closed her eyes, falling asleep within minutes.

He wiped his mouth, staring at her sleeping figure. He didn't know how much more pain he could go through. She needed him. But being around her just brought him endless pain. He left her room, shutting the door gently behind him.

Hyo Jin...ill try my best.


She stood alongside her mother and brother, dressed in all black. Her eyes were swollen and red from sobbing. They was a burning sensation every time she shut her eyes. She watched as Jae Beom stood at the door, taking care of everything. She should be doing that. She was the oldest. She bit her lower lip.

Many family members came, most she knew and some she didn't, but she still accepted their condolences. When time came for everyone to sit and eat and drink, she slipped outside. It was gloomy and cloudy. Fitting for the circumstances. She took a deep breath and sat on the steps of the funeral home, other mourning loved ones passing her by.

"Hyo Jin." She looked up. She hadn't even realized that Jae Beom was standing in front of her. He was staring at her. He was there for her last night. He stayed with her. She felt her eyes burning with more tears. How she come to hate the stinging and burning sensation crying came with.

He bent down to her level. His hand reached out and his thumb gently wiped away her tears. She didn't say anything as his hands cupped her cheeks. He kissed her forehead. She stared at him. He smiled, just slightly.

He drew his hands away from her face, and took her hand, helping her stand up. He intertwined his fingers with hers. He gave her hand a light squeeze. "Let's go back inside."

She nodded her head solemnly, walking back inside the building.

"Thank you." She whispered, squeezing his hand tightly as the two walked down the hall.

He felt his heart break. He managed a small smile. "I'm here for you. Don't forget."


Present Day

The two stared at each other. Three years. It's been three years. Hyo Jin felt Duck nudge her leg, and she looked down at the chocolate pup.

"How have you been?" He asked as she bent down to pet Duck. She nodded her head, avoiding anymore eye contact.

"I've been okay."

"Just okay?" He laughed. "By the looks of it, I'd say you're doing great."

She felt uncomfortable. How could he be so clam and familiar? Did he forget what happened between them? What he did to her? How things ended? She stood up, Duck now attached to her side.

"I could say the same for you." She replied, trying to be strong and push away all those past memories and feelings. They were in the past. They needed to stay there.

"Ahhh...well, what can I say?" He laughed, biting his lower lip and running a hand through his hair. His arms were decorated with tattoos, his hair was somewhat long and messy. A rap star, an idol, a sex icon. His appearance was appropriate for all his given titles.

"What do you do? I heard you quit college and a dropout can't possibly look that great-"

"I work for a label."

"Oh, really? Which label? YG? JYP? SM? Or some little label?" He watched as she cracked the smallest smile. It made his heart pound.

"You've changed. You joke a lot more." She replied, watching Duck run towards the kitchen entrance where Eunho was entering.

"Ah, Noona you caught up with Hyung. Did she get all excited and happy to see you?" Her brother laughed, coming behind his sister and resting his arm on her shoulder. Jae Beom laughed.

Hyo Jin and Jae Beom shared a look. Both knew very well that Hyo Jin's family didn't have the slightest as to what went on between them.

"Mhm. She saw me and she gave me the biggest hug. I guess she missed me more than I missed her." He laughed, winking at Hyo Jin. She stuck out her tongue and laughed. While she was fighting to keep the past deep down inside her mind. She doesn't care to remember what happened between them.

"I remember when Hyung was there for you after Dad died. You guys were really close then. Then Hyung had to lea-"

Hyojin coughed, interrupting the conversation. She ran a hand through her hair, gave the two men a smile and spoke, "I...uh, Eunho can you finish the dishes? I need to get home. Work tomorrow, you know?"

She took a small glance at Jae Beom. His smile had faded, and he was glaring at her. He knew she was leaving because of him. She took a sharp breath and faked a smile, giving her brother a hug and giving Duck a quick pet before going to say good bye to her Mom.

"Eomma! I have to go." She announced, stepping into the living room. Her mother was conversing with another woman her age. Hyojin didn't recognize the woman.


"Yeah...I have work tomorrow." She chuckled, giving her mother a light squeeze.

"Mm. Well, come back soon, arasseo?

"Ne Eomma. Bye." She smiled, waving goodbye as she left the living room. She slipped on her shoes and left the house.

As soon as she made it to her car, let out a heavy sigh.

"So your leaving? Just like that?" She turned around, unsurprised to see that Jae Beom followed her. She figured out that by the look he gave her, he wasn't happen with her 'sudden' departure.

"What do you expect?"

"I was expecting to talk. It's been a long time. Jin-"

"I just go by Hyo Jin now, Jae Beom."

"Well, Hyo Jin, call me Jay from now on." He scoffed, crossing his arms. She ran a hand through her hair.

"Good bye." She turned around again, opening her car door and getting in. She started up the engine, gave Jay one last look, and she left.

The past six years come flooding back to her as she heads home. She takes deep and sharp breaths, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Jae Beom. You couldn't have come at the worst time."

Part 3

(Click here)

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