Saturday, September 3, 2016

Long time to see you

"I like you. As a woman. Not as a friend."

Time seemed to be slowly freeze around them. She brought her gaze upon him. His expression was serious and strong.

"Jae Beom. I'm sorry."

His strong expression begin to crack, his real emotions coming through. His lower lip began to quiver. His eyes narrowed and he held his head, letting out an irritated groan.

"Why? Why? Why don't you like me?" He shouted. He was behind anger, beyond frustrated. He didn't understand. Friends for years-he'd been there for her so many times. He knew her better then anyone. She'd seen him at his worst. She'd seen him at his best. They shared so much.

"It's not that easy-"

"Yes it is! Why? Tell me why. Is it that classmate of yours? Kwon Hyuk? Huh?" He asked, lowering his voice as he took a step closer to her.

She remained silent.

"Jin. Answer me!" He shouted, grabbing her shoulders. She stared at him. Her eyes were wide-not with wonder, or pity, or sadness. With fear. He watched as tears began to form at the brims of her eyes.

"I don't know you anymore." She whispered, her voice full of fear. "So don't touch me!"

She pushed him away, crying heavily now as she walked back to her house. She didn't want to see him. Not now. Not while he was acting this way. The Jae Beom she knew...he was sweet, caring, understanding. He had dreams. He couldn't hurt a fly.

He watched as she disappeared around the corner, leaving him alone. He clenched his fists and let out another frustrated groan. He'd messed up. He knew it. He had to go and fall in love with her. He continued to let out a strong of frustrated groans and screams. He'd held it in for so long. Why did he let it out now?

He stopped and held his face in his hands. His eyes were beginning to burn. "Hyo Jin..." His voice was hoarse from all the shouting.

He could remember the first day he saw her as more than a childhood friend.

"Kim Hyo Jin...I won't lose you."


 " Six years later "

"I'm home!" She called out as soon as she shut the front door. Immediately she was trampled by her brothers puppy, Duck. She laughed as the playful chocolate brown labrador began to lick her face, whining with excitement.

"Yah! Duck get off Hyo Jin!" Her brother shouted as he pulled the overly-excited pup off her. Hyo Jin laughed and sat up straight, playing with the puppy's ears as her brother held him back.

"Annyeonghayso Duck." She giggled, standing up and straightening out her shirt.

"Hey Sis." Her brother greeted, giving her a small hug before dragging the over-active puppy back to his bedroom.

"Mom?" Hyo Jin called softly as she followed the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. She peeked in, a bright smile spreading across her face when she saw her Mom preparing dinner.

"Mom." She said. The fifty year old woman turned to the entrance to the kitchen, a large smile spreading across the woman's face as soon as she set sights on her daughter.

"My pretty child!" She exclaimed, setting down the knife she was cutting with and pulling off her plastic gloves.

"Hi Mom." Hyo Jin laughed lightly as she and her mother shared an overdue embrace. It had of course been a month since the two had last seen each other.

"Oh it's nice to see you again. So how was your trip? I want to hear all about it."

"Let's finish making dinner first, arasseo? That way I can tell everyone at dinner."

"Oh right right." Her mother laughed. She was just so happy to see her daughter after so long. The two were close, like most mother and daughter were. "Well don't just stand there. Help Mom with dinner, okay?"

"Ne Eomma." The young woman chuckled, grabbing a pair of plastic gloves out from one of the cupboards.


"Eomma, that meal was really good. Jinja, really really good." Hyo Jin's brother sighed, smiling happily as he gave their mother a small hug.

"Yah. Eunho, I helped!" She stated, laughing as her brother immediately went over to give his older sister a hug.

"Thank you, thank you Noona!" He repeated, squeezing his sister tighter. She ruffled the young boys hair. Their mother laughed, finding it nice to see the two get along so nicely. Most siblings would fight or practically despise each other. She was grateful for how well her children behaved.

The sweet moment was interrupted by the sudden knocking on the door. The two kids looked at their mother, a bit confused.

"Eomma, are you expecting anyone?" Eunho asked as he withdrew his arms from around his older sister.

"Hm? Oh, mhm."

"Who?" Hyo Jin asked, laughing lightly.

"You'll see. Eunho can you get the door?" The young boy nodded his head, leaving the two women in the dining room. Hyo Jin stood and began cleaning up everyone's dinner plates.

"Oh honey don't. I'll do it." Their mother stood, placing a hand on her daughters wrist. Hyo Jin stared at her mother, smiling warmly as she removed her mother's hand.

"Let me do it, okay?" The young woman kissed her mother's forehead and picked up the abundance of dirty dishes, carefully taking them to the sink in the kitchen. She pulled up the faucet, turning the water temperature to warm.

She heard distant chatting and the front door closing. She wondered who their mother invited, but by the sound of it she figured it was probably a few family friends. She did hear more than once voice after all.

She felt a small nudge against her leg. She set down the plate she was currently cleaning and look down. "Duck how did you get out again?"

The puppy whimpered and barked, wagging his tail happily as she bent down. She shook the water off her hands before petting the pup, laughing as the animal seemingly smiled at her.

"Cute dog."

Is that really who I think it is?

Duck ran over to the familiar voice, barking happily. Hyo Jin stood up ever so slowly and turned around.

"Jae Beom." She breathed.

"Long time no see."

                                                                 *        Part 2      *

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